Why are people hesitant to ask questions?


Are you afraid to ask your boss questions about your job responsibilities or salary?


Over the years when I have interviewed candidates they would say – ‘I don’t know what my targets are or what my salary range is’. I would say – ‘Did you ask?’ They would always reply ‘No’.


Why are people afraid to ask questions? Is it because somewhere down the line you were told only to speak when you are spoken to. Are you afraid of the answer? Whatever your reasons for not asking questions - you need to stop the silence and start asking questions that are important to you and your career. If you don’t ask who will?


I have been a manager of people for over 30 plus years and not once would I have been annoyed or upset if one of my staff asked me a question about their salary, their role responsibilities or anything else to do with their role or the business. It actually shows that you are thinking it through and demonstrates potential leadership skills. 


Next time you have a performance meeting with your boss get the courage to ask these questions;


  • If the feedback has been positive about how you are going and you have gone above your normal responsibilities – then ask (after you have received the positive feedback) for a salary increase – If you don’t know what your salary range is you should ask that question as well. If you don’t know what you need to do to achieve an increase – ask.

  • What is the next step for your career and what do you need to achieve to get promoted? What additional skills do you need and what processes can you put in place to ensure you can upskill?

  • If your performance review has not been favourable – ask where you can improve and what steps you need to take to ensure a positive result next time.


If you are in a meeting about a new project/assignment that you are responsible for – don’t leave that meeting until you have asked:


  • When do you want it by – what is the deadline?

  • What resources are available?

  • What is the budget?

  • What is the outcome required for success?

Being upfront and asking questions is a business skill that the Top 10 percenters (T10Ps) master. Because they ask questions, it limits errors and misinterpretations. 

These are just a few tips that I have shared. In my new book ‘No Sex at Work’ I will share with you all the tips you need to get from A to B successfully in your career and what the T10Ps do that sets them apart- available at all good bookstores and online through amazon: https://lnkd.in/gMCTQTY - ‘No Sex at Work’ is a finalist for The Australian Career Book Award 2021 – hosted by the Royal Society of Arts Oceania.


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